香港心聆提供不同的公眾或私人培訓選擇:心理健康基礎培訓班,一個關於精神健康的入門課程;精神健康急救課程(MHFA),一個國際認可的課程。我們建議您在參與我們的 MHFA 課程前先參加我們的心理健康基礎培訓課程,以獲得一些對精神健康的基礎知識。這兩項課程皆提供英語及廣東話語言選擇。
march, 2025
Select Training Course
Mental Health 101
Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid
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14mar6:00 pm7:00 pm[ENG] MENTAL HEALTH 101 MARCH 2025
Event Details
One of Mind HK‘s core goals is to increase awareness and understanding of mental health in Hong Kong. We are pleased to present a public Mental Health 101
Event Details
One of Mind HK‘s core goals is to increase awareness and understanding of mental health in Hong Kong. We are pleased to present a public Mental Health 101 training session, which will provide an introduction to mental health, on 14 March 2025. Register here.
Should you not be able to attend this time around, please note that there will be more Mental Health 101 training sessions in the future. Updated event dates will be posted via our website and through our newsletter. To sign up for Mind HK updates please click here.
Training Session: Mental Health 101
Platform: Zoom
Date: 14 March 2025
Time: 06:00 PM – 07:00 PM
Ticket: 100 (Standard), 50 (Discounted)
* Please email training@mind.org.hk to enquire eligibility of the discounted ticket. *Eventbrite may charge 5% platform fee.
Language: English
Open to all. Limited Spots.
Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/mindhk-mental-health-101-webinar-mar-14-tickets-1064053987119?aff=oddtdtcreator
What is Mental Health 101?
A general introductory course to mental health, covering common misconceptions, selected mental health diagnoses, how to help yourself or someone else who is experiencing a mental health problem in Hong Kong, and how to look after your mental well-being.
Mental Health 101 will cover:
- The basics of mental health
- Stigma around mental health
- The spectrum of mental health
- Tips on general wellbeing
- Common Mental Health challenges: Stress, Anxiety and Depression
*Mental Health 101 sessions are conducted by clinical professionals in the mental health field.
We suggest you to take Mental Health 101 before taking our Mental Health First Aid certificate course to get the basic knowledge around mental health. Completion of MHFA training will lead to being internationally certified in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA).
*Please register to the Mental Health First Aid Course directly if you are interested in both courses as it already includes an entry to the current Mental Health 101 session.
Mind HK Mental Health 101 Certificate:
A Full attendance of the Mental Health 101 with the completion of both the pre-survey and post-survey will lead to an e-certificate processed by Mind HK indicating your completion of the course. For more information, please email us at training@mind.org.hk .
For queries , please email training@mind.org.hk.
To learn more about Mind HK and other events, please visit: mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency.
(Friday) 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
15mar(mar 15)10:00 am22(mar 22)5:00 pm[ENG] F2F MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID STANDARD COURSE MARCH 2025
Event Details
MHFA is the help given to someone who is developing or experiencing a mental health crisis before he/she can obtain professional treatment. Register now
Event Details
MHFA is the help given to someone who is developing or experiencing a mental health crisis before he/she can obtain professional treatment. Register now.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help given to someone who is developing or experiencing a mental health crisis before he or she can obtain professional treatment. The training will be conducted by accredited professionals. A certificate will be awarded to participants with FULL attendance.
This Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) standard course will cover:Basic knowledge about common mental health problems and related crisis situationsWhat you can provide as a lay person and When to get helpMHFA Action PlansIntervening and managing mental health emergencies as a first responderPanic attacksSuicideSelf-harmAddictionsIdentify the resources available in the local community
*Participants will also receive a free entry to our upcoming Online mental health 101 session on 14 March 2025.
Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/1064056364229?aff=oddtdtcreator
Completion of this MHFA training will lead to being internationally certified in MHFA. Those who attend and complete all sessions on 15 & 22 March will be certified. The sessions will run between 9:30 am and 5:30pm. Refreshments will not be provided, but are available for purchase in the building.
Language: English
Date: 15 & 22 March (10:00 – 5:00pm)* Attendance at all sessions are required for certification.Location: Mind HK, 18B, One Capital Place, 18 Luard Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
HK$900pp (standard cost)
HK$750pp (NGOs, Students *If you are unsure about eligibility, please contact training@mind.org.hk. This is eligible for students who are full-time. Please send us a copy of your student/work ID to training@mind.org.hk to access this ticket option.
HK$1200pp (corporates), class size up to 30 pax for F2F, up to 15 pax for online
*Includes donation to subsidize/ finance a place for a NGO/student
If you have any questions, please email training@mind.org.hkThis event has limited seats.
Mind HK will be offering more MHFA training sessions every 1-2 months – feel free to get updates from our training webpage mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency/training or subscribe to our newsletter.
Questions? Email training@mind.org.hk
15 (Saturday) 10:00 am - 22 (Saturday) 5:00 pm
17mar(mar 17)9:00 am25(mar 25)9:30 pm[廣東話] 網上版精神健康急救標準課程 - 2025 年 3 月
Event Details
精神健康急救提供有關心理健康危機處理知識,讓一些正經歷心理健康危機又尚未得到專業治療的人能得到幫助。課程將由受認可的專業人士教授。完成所有課程節數後將會獲得證書。按此報名 甚麼是精神健康急救? 精神健康急救提供有關心理健康危機處理知識,讓一些正經歷心理健康危機又尚未得到專業治療的人能得到幫助。課程將由受認可的專業人士教授。完成所有課程內容後將會獲得證書。 標準精神健康急救課程將包括: 普遍心理健康問題及相關危機情況的基本知識 作為非專業人士可提供的幫助及何時需要想專業人士求助 精神健康急救行動計畫
Event Details
- 普遍心理健康問題及相關危機情況的基本知識
- 作為非專業人士可提供的幫助及何時需要想專業人士求助
- 精神健康急救行動計畫
- 作為心理健康急救員介入及處理緊急心理健康危機
- 恐慌突襲
- 自殺
- 自我傷害
- 物質成癮
- 現有本地資源
*報名此課程將獲贈參加 3 月 17日 晚上6-7時的網上心理健康基礎課程。
網上版 精神健康急救標準課程 將分為兩部分:
- Part A – 5-7 小時 線上自助學習平台 (3月17-23日)
- Part B – 2節 Zoom線上課程 (3月24及25日: 7pm – 930pm), 參加者必須開啟鏡頭及收音咪以完成課程內容
我們將3月 17日 上午或前利用 順豐速遞(到付HK$30) 以發放MHFA 小冊子,煩請輸入正確的聯絡地址及電話。參加者可透過順豐程式,以電話號碼登入以查詢或更改送貨資料。
* 參加者必須在 3月23日 或以前完成所有線上學習平台內容才能參與Zoom線上課程。
報讀精神健康急救課程前,建議先完成心理健康基礎培訓班。請留意 mind-dev-2.digitalcandy.agency 以獲得即將舉行的課程資訊。
標準價格:HKD $900
S88慈善機構、全日制學生:HKD $750
請聯繫 training@mind.org.hk 並提供學生證或工作證明之副本以獲取優惠碼。
企業:HKD $1200*
*如需本會提供發票,請電郵至 training@mind.org.hk
登記前請確定細節,Mind HK將不提供任何退款或更改。
如有查詢,請電郵至 training@mind.org.hk 聯絡我們。
17 (Monday) 9:00 am - 25 (Tuesday) 9:30 pm
17mar6:00 pm7:00 pm[廣東話] 心理健康基礎培訓班 - 2025 年 3 月
Event Details
一個關於心理健康的入門課程。 Mind HK 其中一個核心目標提高香港人對心理健康的認識和了解。 我們很高興在 3 月17 日 舉辦一個公開的心理健康 101 培訓課程,介紹心理健康。按此報名 如若您未能參與是次課程,請我們在網站及社交媒體上的更新注意將來會有更多的心理健康 101 培訓課程。 更新的活動日請 按此 訂閱 Mind
Event Details
Mind HK 其中一個核心目標提高香港人對心理健康的認識和了解。 我們很高興在 3 月17 日 舉辦一個公開的心理健康 101 培訓課程,介紹心理健康。按此報名
如若您未能參與是次課程,請我們在網站及社交媒體上的更新注意將來會有更多的心理健康 101 培訓課程。 更新的活動日請 按此 訂閱 Mind HK 獲得最新資訊。
票價:100 (標準) 50 (優惠)
*請電郵至 training@mind.org.hk 查詢優惠票的資格
- 心理健康基本知識
- 圍繞心理健康的污名與標籤
- 心理健康譜系:從焦慮、壓力及抑鬱到更嚴重情況
- 自我幫助的方法:包括心理健康貼士、香港尋求幫助的渠道、個人網上輔導及網上支援
- 個案例子
完成此課程之所有內容的參加者可獲得MindHK頒發之電子證書。詳情可以電郵至 training@mind.org.hk 或留意當日講者介紹的電子證書之頒發準則。
如有查詢,請電郵至 training@mind.org.hk 聯絡我們。
(Monday) 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- 我們為公司、團體等提供私人培訓課程。如果想查詢培訓導師的可選時間,請電郵至 training@mind.org.hk 並提供您的首選日期。
如有問題,請電郵至 training@mind.org.hk。